The only other thing I have learned, or should have, is that first dates, like life, cannot be entirely philosophical and speculative. I had these terribly serious LIFE TALKS with strangers. So important to DO something, experience something, together. Not just wax introspective while playing with a napkin.
Just one thing. It was weird and hard enough without bots.
Ha! I totally agree!! What do the bots want???
The only other thing I have learned, or should have, is that first dates, like life, cannot be entirely philosophical and speculative. I had these terribly serious LIFE TALKS with strangers. So important to DO something, experience something, together. Not just wax introspective while playing with a napkin.
oooo...that's good. And, those introspective shares could create a false sense of intimacy right at the beginning which has come back to haunt me.